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Mission: Advocate for housing options that open doors to economic and social opportunities for all, ensuring that our city remains a place where everyone has the chance to succeed and prosper.
Who We Are: At Home in Summit is a nonpartisan, community-led group dedicated to advocating for the development of housing for working families in the City of Summit, NJ.
Current Goal: Support and promote the development of 42 affordable rental apartments on the firehouse site.

Why Summit should support the development of more housing for working families:


  • It’s in our history and character. Summit has a history of developing stable and affordable homes for people who otherwise would be priced out of the city’s housing market. We have been exceptional in undertaking these projects and residents justifiably feel pride in our diverse, inclusive community. Projects born out of cooperation between residents, Common Council, and nonprofit entities have granted opportunity to hundreds of families and enriched our community.


  • Opportunity – Summit is a healthy, vibrant community that provides many benefits to its residents. We know what we love about living here - excellent schools, a sense of safety and inclusion, access to jobs and public transportation, wonderful community programs, an excellent public library, and beautiful parks and green spaces. Stable, secure, affordable housing in Summit opens a world of life-changing opportunities for families and children.


  • Strengthening families - an affordable, safe, stable place to call home is the foundation to success in life, reduces stress and strengthens families, yields better health outcomes, and gives children the opportunity they deserve to succeed in school and life. Due to skyrocketing housing costs, many families who have lived in our community for generations are being forced out of town. They lose not just a place to live; with displacement comes loss of child care, family support, and difficulties getting to and from work in Summit. When families are destabilized, children suffer.


  • Strengthening our community and supporting our economy - many of the people whose jobs involve service to our community, including teachers, police and other public employees, healthcare workers, clergy, and restaurant and shop employees, cannot afford to live in Summit. Affordable housing of diverse types would strengthen community ties by allowing people who work in Summit to live in Summit, and would bolster our economy by providing stable, quality housing to the local workforce.


  • There is a need for affordable housing options - many families are denied the opportunity to live in Summit because rents and home prices are simply too high and out of reach. Current investments in housing, both private and public, meet only a fraction of the need for affordable housing in our community, requiring a proactive approach to expand housing options.

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